Art Sale

By Nóra McIntyre

On December 9th, dozens of UAF students and faculty took a break from finals week and streamed in from the cold and into the Art Department. They followed the arrows on the walls pointing them to the Campus Made Market. Here, art classrooms glowed with warm light and buzzed with conversation. Buyers took off their mittens to test the weight of ceramic mugs and teapots or leaned down to appreciate the design of plates and vases. Other rooms held prints and paintings, as well as jewelry, metal works, clothing, and other works of art.

At the Campus Made Market, interested buyers and fans of art had the chance to admire the artwork and crafts of fellow UAF students. Many came looking for Christmas presents for friends and family, and there was certainly something for everyone. What was perhaps even more rewarding was the opportunity to talk with artists, and learn more about their work. Many UAF students are unfamiliar with the Art Department, but on December 9th, the rooms and hallways alike were alive and packed with people.

More information about events in the Art Department can be found on their website. The University Art Gallery hosts exhibitions featuring students, faculty, staff, and visiting artists, with two large group exhibitions of student artwork held each year (Department of Art).


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