Write for Us

We are always looking for talented writers.

We are currently accepting applications for Staff Positions (UAF students).
Apply below.

We are always accepting submissions for freelance work (UAF students).
Before submitting freelance work below, please read our Submission Guidelines.

Did you have a freelance piece published?
Please fill out the Freelance Payment Form below.

Have a juicy story? Got a tip about something fun or interesting you'd like us to cover?
Please fill out the Sun Star Scoops Form below.

Questions? Email editorinchief@uafsunstar.com.

The Sun Star 2024-2025 Freelance Rates

Feature Package: $82

Feature Story: $62

Basic Story: $50

Column: $40

Feature Photo Package: $25

Basic Photo Package: $15

Photo: $7

Moon Planet 2024-2025 Freelance Rates

Creative Package: $30

Major Art Piece: $25

Minor Art Piece: $10

Written Contribution: $10

Minor Contribution: $5