Adaptation in Action: The Pirates of Penzance
I had the opportunity to attend a performance of FLOT’s unique adaptation of The Pirates of Penzance. This fun spin on a classic operetta was directed by Tekla Butcher-Monson, with musical direction by Phil Heilbron. The show ran two weekends at the UAF Salisbury Theatre from October 4th to October 13th, 2024.
Summer Shakespeare: Two Households, Both Alike in Dignity, in Fairbanks
Sword Fighting! Dancing! Young love! Humor! Tragedy! Romeo and Juliet is a classic—and this summer, the Fairbanks Shakespeare Theater reminded us exactly why.
The Shape of Things by Neil LaBute - Theatrical Production Review
Niel LaBute’s psychologically brutal plays shocked audiences in the 1990’s. I wondered how a modern college would handle his work. On Friday night, the UAF cast and crew of “The Shape of Things” gripped the audience like a vice for two stunning hours. LaBute would love it.