Opinions The Sun Star Opinions The Sun Star

Currants Becoming Current

The UAF Georgeson Botanical Garden will host an inaugural currant festival for the Fairbanks community in August.

The purpose of the Georgeson Botanical Garden's inaugural currant festival is to bring awareness of currants to the community, share their history, and promote growing currants. Currants thrive in northern climates, and Fairbanks is an especially great place to farm currants or grow them in your home garden.

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Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star

Dog Mushing at Happy Trails Kennel

This isn’t necessarily a hike, walk, or run, but it is definitely an epitome of a “true Alaskan experience”… Last weekend, I had a friend visiting me – I had never been dog mushing before, so we looked into it. If you have the chance this winter, get out and get on a dog sled; being on that sled was unlike anything I have ever done before in my whole life.

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