#Outdoors The Sun Star #Outdoors The Sun Star

The Outdoors Is a Healthy Healer for Your Inner Self

The more humans investigate the links between time in nature and mental health, the more benefits we find. The concept seems pretty recognizable to the many adventurous-spirited people who live throughout Alaska. It’s a knowledge that hums in the core of our souls: being outside is good. Although much of the world seems to be forgetting that, research will guide humans back.

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#Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star #Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star

Berries Out Our Backdoor

Fall is here! While that might mean the temps are starting to dip and days are getting shorter, there is still some foraging to be done. Interior Alaska is home several edible (and delicious) berries. Here is a quick guide to late summer foraging and ideas of what to do with your fresh found goods!

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#Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star #Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star

Natural Habitat

What would happen to both the built and natural environment if humans suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth? Sarah Olson goes in depth about the balance between Homo Sapiens impact on the natural environment.

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Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star

Dog Mushing at Happy Trails Kennel

This isn’t necessarily a hike, walk, or run, but it is definitely an epitome of a “true Alaskan experience”… Last weekend, I had a friend visiting me – I had never been dog mushing before, so we looked into it. If you have the chance this winter, get out and get on a dog sled; being on that sled was unlike anything I have ever done before in my whole life.

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#Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star #Opinions, #Outdoors The Sun Star

Hiking Wickersham Dome

I recently moved from Fairbanks to Eagle River to be closer to places where I can hike, trail run, and ski. If you are outdoorsy and live in Fairbanks, you may be a bit familiar with the amount of effort it takes just to get started with a hike – like a long(ish) drive.

My favorite hike around Fairbanks, though, is also one of the easiest to start - Wickersham Dome.

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